Shipping & delivery

Shipping and payment

The prices shown are final prices including VAT. In addition for Deliveries within the Federal Republic of Germany are subject to a flat-rate shipping charge of € 9.50 (€ 16.50 for other European countries).

Vouchers are free of shipping costs. An additional shipping fee of € 5.00 per bottle will be charged from the second bottle onwards due to increased shipping costs.

Please note: Unfortunately we cannot ship to packing stations.

Terms of delivery

The ordered goods are usually delivered within 3-4 days after receipt of payment. Delivery shall be made to the delivery address specified by the customer.

If force majeure makes delivery or other performance impossible, Saliba e.K.'s obligation to perform shall be excluded. Any amounts already paid shall be reimbursed by Gebr. Saliba e.K. without delay. Saliba e.K. may also refuse performance if this requires an effort that is grossly disproportionate to the buyer's interest in the fulfillment of the purchase contract, taking into account the content of the purchase contract and the requirements of good faith. Should the delivery of the goods fail despite two attempts, the purchase contract shall automatically expire. Any amounts already paid will be refunded by Gebr. Saliba e.K. without delay. The shipping costs will not be refunded.

Terms of payment

The purchase price is due immediately upon receipt of the order confirmation. Payment shall be made in advance by bank transfer to the account:
Bros. Saliba e.K.
Hamburg Savings Bank
BANK CODE: 200 505 50
Account no.: 1211 125 842
Intended use: "Your order no."

PayPal: Pay conveniently and securely with PayPal. Our ordering system automatically forwards you to PayPal, where you then confirm the payment.

Retention of title

The goods remain the property of Gebr. Saliba e.K. until full payment has been received.